A fire broke out inside a showroom in South Delhis Lajpat Nagar Central Market on Saturday. Officials said they received a call from I-block in Central Market around 10.20 am following which 30 fire tenders and several ambulances were rushed to the spot.
More than 70 firefighters have been deployed at the spot to douse the fire.
#JUSTIN: Fire at Lajpat Nagar Market, 15 fire tenders rushed to the spot. @IndianExpress, @ieDelhipic.twitter.com/Gw2lgS4QrI
Mahender Singh Manral (@mahendermanral) June 12, 2021
Atul Garg, Delhi Fire Services Chief, said, The fire spread from the showroom to other areas and we are trying to control it. No casualties have been reported so far.
Firemen and police said they are checking if there is anyone inside the showroom.
“Fire trucks have reached the spot, rescue and relief operations are underway. I am continuously monitoring the situation and am in touch with Delhi Fire Department officials,” Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted.